Monday, February 1, 2010

Inspired life.

A conversation with an old friend got me to thinking about what inspires me. I thought about it all night and even a lot today. I don't think I can count all the things that inspire me. It's limitless really, every where I look I find inspiration. Color, nature, people, family, animals, music, morning, night, other specific times during the day. And funny weird things too...I could go on and on and on. I have a tendency to focus on the negative a lot....not something I like about myself to be honest. But, trying to view things through another lens often makes me think differently.
Creative people REALLY fuel me. A. Lot. I love the different ways that creative people view the world, it makes ME see things in a different way. My children are good at that also.

Eventually I would like to come up with an exhaustive list of inspirational things for me. I think that will take a while. But for now, something really simple that made me look youngest's tights that she wore today. She was so proud of them, it totally changed her mood the entire day....all because of rainbow colored tights......

Happy Monday everyone, what will inspire you this week?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

aww... I love the tights! Creative people inspire me too.