Monday, March 22, 2010

Sunshine on her shoulder makes me happy

Yay! Spring is here!!! Or it's supposed to be anyway. Yesterday was the first official day of spring and the past few days have been super nice and warm.

I love spring. I love the new beginnings, the start of warm days, a little (or lot) of rain, the smell of the earth, emerging life from the ground. Hip, hip, hooray!!! Spring is such a special reward for enduring the endless qualities of winter.

We got new baby chicks this weekend, they are so sweet...and not scary. Why do I get terrified of them when they get bigger? My girls are loving them, they are checking on them constantly and holding them, it's very sweet.

I've started plotting my garden layout. And we are getting fruit trees this year!! I'm so excited...this is something we've always wanted to do, and never got around to, but this is the year. Oh! And blueberries! We are planting blueberry bushes also. We go through blueberries like there is no tomorrow. My little one eats them like crazy, it will be nice to have a lot in the freezer eventually. I'm guessing they take a year or two to produce?

I took these pictures of my sweet on a warm sunny day last week. I can feel the sun just looking at them.

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